Rick Reeves Spinning Wheels Missing REWARD

My spinning wheels were beautiful oak handmade wheels by Rick Reeves. I had been able to earn a living on these wheels and provide enough wool yarn for all socks, sweaters and needed gloves for my family. We raised our own sheep so wool was in an abundant supply. In October of 2004 someone came into my log home and removed the spinning wheels and all other items for me to knit, weave and sew. Additionally, most of our household furshings and very needed things to live were taken. It is a great blow to my financial stability. I could never afford to replace the totallity of the household and personal items. I had worked years for the things I owned. These things are all I have to live on. WE needed these things to support my self and my daughters. We are only trying to retrieve our possesions so we can live. I hope whom ever took them will show kindness and return them when they hear we are needing these things to live. Many items have deep sentimental value. They reflect the many years of my life with my children and future dreams.