Rick Reeves spinning wheels stolen from up state New York

My log cabin was robbed. My Rick Reeves spinning wheels were taken. I live a simple life and all I needed to live was in that cabin. They took many items vital to ones existance. My daughters and I depend on our things to earn a living and try to make a life. I am offering a reward. I am only interested in the return of my property. I need help in recovering these stolen items. The home is in Ellenburg Center, New York. They could have been taken to any surrounding area or state.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Rick Reeves Spinning Wheels Missing REWARD

My spinning wheels were beautiful oak handmade wheels by Rick Reeves. I had been able to earn a living on these wheels and provide enough wool yarn for all socks, sweaters and needed gloves for my family. We raised our own sheep so wool was in an abundant supply. In October of 2004 someone came into my log home and removed the spinning wheels and all other items for me to knit, weave and sew. Additionally, most of our household furshings and very needed things to live were taken. It is a great blow to my financial stability. I could never afford to replace the totallity of the household and personal items. I had worked years for the things I owned. These things are all I have to live on. WE needed these things to support my self and my daughters. We are only trying to retrieve our possesions so we can live. I hope whom ever took them will show kindness and return them when they hear we are needing these things to live. Many items have deep sentimental value. They reflect the many years of my life with my children and future dreams.


Saturday, December 11, 2004

Spinning, weaving and knitting items missing, REWARD

Along with the spinning wheels was my complete inventory of tools and equipment I use to spin, knit and weave. :

Schacht Regid Heddle loom - 36inch, it was still dressed with a partially finished project.
Schacht flat and boats shuttles. Wood
2 sets of apple wood hand carders. From Norsk Fjord fibers
1 Rick reeves spinning chair oak with a heart shape cut out in the back. The chair comes apart.
1 Wool picker by Pat Green.
1 table loom 4 harness. Sturdy homemade with wire heddles appr. 250 on loom. 22inch Reed
Drop spindles.
1 set Viking combs single row from Norsk Fjord fibers
Brittany single point Black walnut needles several sets of sizes.
Brittany double point birch needles several sets of 5-7 numerous sizes.
1 Schacht Bugs Lazy kate
Rick Reeves large bobbins 4.
Antique wood Yarn winder, hand crank style about 33 inch diameter.
Yarn ball winder. table clamp style from The Wool House. Schacht style.
Spin-Off Magazines
Schacht weaving bobbins
Warping frame


The wheels are:
24 inch saxony

30 inch saxony- My wheel can be specially identified by the builder Rick Reeves.

There is a 2500.00 REWARD for the information that leads to the RECOVERY of these wheels. I am only interested in getting my wheels back.

Photos of some of these items are at:

http://Logcabinstolenitems.blogspot.com (underconstruction)

Please help me if you see or hear of any of these items